Saturday, March 31, 2012

It's been a crazy month, anonymous internet followers. I had to do a severe chop down of my nails, leaving me with a whole 7/8 of an inch to swatch on. Then I had some pretty intense family issues to deal with which peaked last week, but are slowly smoothing themselves over. I have some things coming, finally, in the next few weeks including swatches of:

  • Nail Venturous (Floam, Grand Opening, Peacock Gone Wild, Humble Bee and Robin Laid an Egg)
  • Lacquistry (Sno Cone, A Friggin Circus, Lake Placid On Acid and FOUR customs: Kite Festival, Cherry Blossoms, The Kitchen Sink and Strawberry Fields Forever)
  • Several Candeos
  • A few other indies from Etsy
All of these are pending arrival, except Nail Venturous and 4 out of the 5 Candeos.

I'm also trying to get my GFC widget to work. I'm under the impression that it is still usable for Blogger sites, but I can't seem to pull up the 'validation' it's asking for, without Google telling me it shut down GFC for non-blogger sites. Nothing about what to do if you ARE a blogger site. If anyone knows, feel free to leave a comment as not having Friend Connect on my blog is sort of making hard to follow other bloggers, and for them to follow me. Thanks ladies (and gents)! 

Stay Sparkley my Friends!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

That moment when you realize you accidentally duped a rock star...

So, instead of actual swatches for my first post, I want to share a lovely little accident. Before I do, let me mention this is a dupe of a hugely popular shade, Toxic Avenger from one of my favorite Etsy sellers, Dollish Polish. This was made WEEKS ago, as something fun for my mom to wear, I had no idea what I'd stumbled on. I have no intention on selling this because well, I don't know Dollish personally, but I do respect her work, and rabidly bought 6 bottles as soon as I discovered her shop. These photos aren't great because my REAL camera is uncooperative (I think I need to have the sensor and/or lens cleaned) but they're the best I could do. I also intended to slap these on Facebook to share with one friend, not to show off to everyone, but here they are anyways! I've dubbed this franken "Oops..." because if it's on the internet, it needs a name right? Here goes!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Taking my first steps.

\ˈgli-tər\, noun : small glittering objects used for ornamentation
\ˈji-tər\, int. verb: To make small quick jumpy movements.

As described to a fellow Blogger, Michelle Lazo Rouhier over at the awesome Things I Love at the Moment, The Glitter Jitters are what happens when you see Scrangie posts that new Deborah Lippman or China Glaze collection, or when you see pictures from a trade show that show next seasons collection that you need to see swatched RIGHT. THIS. SECOND. That weird nervous feeling that you need to get to the respective website faster than anyone else to buy your bottle, and your backup before it sells out.

For me, the Glitter Jitters first happened a few years ago when I worked at a fabric/craft store, and a customer of mine came in with what I found out what Deborah Lippmans 'Happy Birthday'. It was all downhill from there. I justified it by saying if I bought my own nail polish, I wouldn't have to pay for manicures, and now my stash is over 300 strong.

I hope to add something new to this vast land of like-minded bloggers doing the same thing as me: swatches, honest reviews and industry news. I really like indie polish makers right now, and I like supporting them. It's so much easier to give your feedback to a one woman operation and know they'll listen, than try sending a letter to Humungo Cosmetics Company X that their application is streaky and awful and needs to be remedied. I plan on offering a lot. Indie exploration, tried and true favorite brands, frankens, drug store brands and random tinkering and layering. Please bear with me while I work out the kinks in the system and find my flow. If you have any advice or feedback, feel free to let me know!

I'm not ready to swatch just yet, but in the coming few days and weeks I have some really fun things from Dollish Polish (including my custom comic book lacquers she's doing for me!), Cover Band Lacquers (from,LynBDesigns and Lacey Lou's Nail Stockpile.

Please subscribe and visit every so often, the support will be awesome when trying something this new.